
Showing posts from October, 2023

Why Print.Able

  Why Print.Able   Print.Able is a platform for all who fall on the neurodivergent spectrum, of all levels of "ability" and "functionality." We do not judge people for their submissions, nor do we control what our contributors share with us (other than in exceptional cases). Our aim is to allow neurodivergent individuals to freely share their interests, or talk about topics they care about, without the expectation of "fitting in" to neurotypical expectations of quality and content. Our aim is to reduce ostracisation and "other-ing" of those with disability by giving people a non-judgemental and welcoming space to share their work.  We specifically want this platform to be one where our contributors can express themselves without the implication of "pity" from neurotypicals. Contributors are therefore not required to talk about their disability, nor disclose its nature to anyone.  We accept every manner of contribution, and posts can be ...

Print.Able - Who We Are

Print.Able Print.Able is a platform for creative work of neurodiverse individuals from the subcontinent and beyond. It will include writing, art, multimedia features such as videos, podcasts and more. Submission Guidelines We accept writing, scribed work, artwork, video, audio and other multimedia submissions. 1. Submissions must be in a format that can be uploaded on the platform.  These are some of the standard formats that are acceptable: Text – doc, docx Artwork – jpeg, png, tiff Audio and video – MP3, MP4 2. We are flexible when it comes to length, but request you to keep content shorter rather than longer  Articles maximum length, 500 words Stories maximum length, 1000 words Video and audio maximum length, 5 minutes 3. Content will be edited to improve readability and fit formatting requirements. 4. Handwritten articles will be converted to digital text but a photograph of a section of the handwritten text will be placed alongside the digital text. 5. A short r...