My Hobbies by Sujan B R

In this article, contributor Sujan B R talks about his many diverse hobbies, and his daily routine that takes him to the vocational training centre where he learns.

My Hobbies


Sujan B R

My name is Sujan B R. I will write about my hobbies. My hobbies are playing keyboard, juggling and drawing. 

I started learning keyboard five years back. At first learning keyboard was difficult; later it became easy. It took a lot of time and practice to learn keyboard. I practice keyboard on alternative days. Once a week I have online music class on Skype with my music teacher Preetham Sir. Few of the songs that I can play on the keyboard are Bombe Helutaithe, Sunroof, Rasputin, Om Namo Narayana, Pink Panther, Fur Elise and Seven Years.

Seven years back I started learning to juggle. There was a person called KKR he taught me how to juggle three balls. In the morning I practice juggling.

Drawing: There was a person called Mohan Sir. He taught me drawing, painting and pencil shading. I used to go to his house for offline art classes.

In my free time I listen to YouTube shorts.

I get up at 5:30 a.m., and I do my exercises. After that I take bath and have breakfast. Then, I come to Antharbhaava. I will be at the Retail Store until Jaideep Sir comes. He teaches me until lunch time. After lunch I will be at the Retail Store with Kumar Sir. After that I go home.


  1. Sujan, you are impressive! It is not easy to play the keyboard AND juggle AND draw. Bombe Heluthaithe is very popular these days, and Fur Elise is not easy but you can do it. And juggle with three balls. Most people find it tough to manage even two. All the best to you.

    1. You seem both creative juggling literally so many things and hardworking!Keep it up. Have fun doing it.

  2. Congratulations Sujan, that's a lovely diverse range of activities you are involved in, and keeping your brain fresh by constantly learning something new.
    Btw, I recently read that Skype is being withdrawn but I'm sure you will find some other method to keep your music classes going.
    All the best.

  3. Hello. Sujan! Wonderful to hear about your keyboard learning. And ye gods, juggling! Amazing! Keep on with the music it works wonders in many mysterious ways Looking forward to hearing more from you. Cheers!

  4. All the best Sujan.

  5. All the best Sujan.

  6. You’re an inspiration to us all!

  7. Juggling so many things ! admirable ..keep it up

  8. Totally endorse Vidya. Truly impressive. Fur Elise is one of my favorites and it's really tough . Congratulations to you and to all your accomplishments. Wishing you the very best.

  9. Hi Sujan! These are wonderful hobbies to have. Reminded me of someone I met who loves playing the piano as well. Such wide range of music you practice too. Would be great to listen to you play sometime.

  10. Amazing. Very good hobbies, keeps you busy n active. God bless


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