Interview: Gokul Krishna


Interview: Gokul Krishna


Gokul is our first contributor from outside Bengaluru and this makes it an important event for Print.Able. He lives in Tiruvanathapuram (Kerala) and was introduced to Print.Able by Dr. Vijay Raghavan who is the Honorary Director of CADRRE (Centre for Autism and other Disabilities Rehabilitation Research and Education). Gokul was recently in Bengaluru as one of the featured live artists at the Spectrum of Art event at the Bangalore International Centre. As he painted, he talked…


Print.Able: Maybe I should come back when you’re done painting…
Gokul: No, no, no, I actually do better when I have someone to talk to! I’m willing and happy to be

Print.Able: You have an unusual name, Gokul. Do you know what it means?
Gokul: No I don’t. Can you tell me?

Print.Able: It literally means belonging to the clan of cowherds. So it means you are connected to Krishna.
Does that make you feel special?
Gokul: Yes, I feel special in many ways.

Print.Able: How old are you, and what do you mainly do?
Gokul: I’m 25. I spent the whole of last year at CADRRE learning various skills on how to live
independently by training in some income-earning skills and also EXCEL. Now I have finished the
training part and am continuing at CADRRE to pick up some business management skills.

Print.Able: Do you like art?
Gokul: Yes, I love colours and I love to paint.

Print.Able: You are working on a picture of a scene you saw from the train on your journey to Bangalore.
Do you paint what you see or do you paint from imagination also?
Gokul:I am painting the scene I saw from my train window but I also paint from imagination.

Print.Able:What are some other things you like doing?
Gokul: I have a lot of friends. I like playing football. I’m not fond of video games.




